How to Get a Barcode for Your Product

Retail barcode packages (EAN-13 format) can be purchased on our Retail Barcodes page.

You can also order via email (we will supply you with a pro forma invoice so that you can pay by bank transfer).

What will I get?

If you order a standard retail barcode package, we will email the barcode numbers to you with the images as attached files.

You will receive:

– a unique EAN-13 barcode number;
– a PDF guarantee certificate
– barcode images (4 different formats: jpeg, pdf, png, svg)
– Barcode registration on
– Instructions for How to Use your Barcode

You can then easily incorporate the barcode images into your product packaging and start using your barcode. When a retailer first receives your barcode and product they will scan the barcode into the system and input the product information. After this, whenever the barcode is scanned at the checkout, the product information will automatically appear.

The official retail barcode size is 37.29×25.93mm. The barcode can be officially shrunk to 80% of this (i.e. around 20x30mm) without the scannability being affected, however if it is reduced much more than this, barcode scanners will occasionally have trouble scanning the barcode. Also, some retailers require that the barcode meet the minimum specifications so, if at all possible the barcode should be above 80% of the standard size. Full specifications can be seen here.

EAN-13 Barcode Image
EAN-13 Barcode Image


What more can you get?

1. ITF-14 Carton Codes

These are barcodes for the outer cartons made from your EAN-13 barcode for use on cartons of a set quantity of the item. i.e. a box of 12 may have an ITF-14 carton code on them. These are required by some retailers, but are not always needed.

2. ISBN or ISSN Images

These are only required for books and magazines.